Maintenance Technician, Industrial Mechanic, Maintenance Mechanic, Facilities Technician, Equipment Technician, Plant Maintenance Technician, Maintenance Engineer, Maintenance Electrician, Machine Repair Technician, Service Technician
Roughly 75% of the goods we use are made with the help of industrial machines or processes. From electronics, appliances, and vehicles to furniture, clothing, and toys, we rely on things made by complex machines!
But these machines need constant maintenance to operate efficiently; otherwise, their parts can wear out quickly or they can simply break down. If one machine stops working, it can create a bottleneck that grinds the entire manufacturing process to a halt. When that happens, it’s very expensive for the company, which must pay workers to wait around while that machine gets fixed.
Such unplanned downtime can “cost a company as much as $260,000 an hour,” according to Aberdeen Research. So it’s no wonder why companies rely on Industrial Maintenance Technicians to ensure operations run smoothly.
The technicians inspect machines and equipment, perform preventative maintenance, and make minor repairs as needed to minimize downtown and maximize productivity. Their work can save companies millions of dollars a year!
- Ensuring smooth and efficient operation of industrial equipment
- Reducing downtime and increasing productivity
- Being a crucial part of the production process
- Helping companies maintain profitability so they can stay in business
Lịch làm việc
- Industrial Maintenance Technicians work full-time, including shifts that cover nights, weekends, and holidays. Overtime is sometimes required, especially during peak production periods or when urgent repairs are needed.
Nhiệm vụ tiêu biểu
- Perform routine inspections to ensure machinery is in good working order
- Use hand and power tools to conduct preventive maintenance aimed at preventing breakdowns
- Check equipment fluid levels, as necessary
- Clean, lubricate, and make minor adjustments to machinery, in accordance with manufacturer guidelines
- Use diagnostic equipment to troubleshoot mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic issues
- Repair or replace defective, damaged, or worn out parts.
- Maintain parts inventories
- Fabricate or grind parts to fit dimensions
- Perform basic wiring and welding as required
- Collaborate with other maintenance staff and production team members
- Assist in the installation of new equipment and machinery, following manufacturer specifications
- Calibrate and test equipment, if authorized to do so, to ensure optimal operation
- Provide training to junior technicians and machine operators
- Keep records of maintenance activities and issues on logs and work orders
- Ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards to avoid workplace injuries
- Đánh dấu thiết bị đang được sửa chữa hoặc các bộ phận đang chờ xử lý
- Xé nhỏ các mảnh cần được di chuyển hoặc đưa ra khỏi trang web
- Danh mục các bộ phận cẩn thận trong quá trình tháo gỡ
Trách nhiệm bổ sung
- Order supplies
- Prepare cost estimates
- Review technical manuals as needed
- Tiến hành kiểm kê dụng cụ và thiết bị
- Đảm bảo tất cả các công cụ kiểm tra được hiệu chuẩn chính xác trước khi sử dụng chúng để kiểm tra máy móc
- Chuẩn bị và sử dụng các sản phẩm tẩy rửa hóa học
- Thực hành tất cả các quy trình an toàn để giảm thiểu rủi ro tại nơi làm việc
- Mang thiết bị bảo hộ cá nhân thích hợp, khi cần thiết
- Report machinery statuses and maintenance activities to supervisors
- Suggest improvements to enhance equipment performance and reliability
- Stay up-to-date on maintenance techniques, tools, and relevant software
Kỹ năng mềm
- Khả năng thích ứng
- Phân tích
- Chú ý đến chi tiết
- Phối hợp
- Kỹ năng đánh giá
- Sự khéo léo của bàn tay và ngón tay
- Độc lập
- Tinh ý
- Tổ chức
- Kiên nhẫn
- Giải quyết vấn đề
- Thực tế
- Sức mạnh và sức chịu đựng
- Kỹ năng đọc mạnh mẽ
- Cầu thủ đồng đội
- Quản lý thời gian
Kỹ năng kỹ thuật
Industrial Maintenance Technicians must be familiar with:
- Computerized maintenance management systems
- Diagnostic and precision tools
- Bảo trì, hiệu chuẩn và sửa chữa thiết bị
- Chương trình quản lý cơ sở vật chất
- Industrial safety regulations
- Phần mềm quản lý hàng tồn kho (Inventory management software
- Mechanical and electrical systems
- Programmable logic controllers
- Cơ sở dữ liệu hướng dẫn kỹ thuật
- Technical manuals and blueprints
- Tools and equipment usage
- Welding and machining
- Automotive factories
- Sửa chữa thương mại &công nghiệp
- Xây dựng
- Energy production facilities
- Food processing facilities
- Manufacturing plants
- Pharmaceutical plants
- Thương mại bán buôn
The role of Industrial Maintenance Technicians involves physical labor, working in confined spaces, and being exposed to workplace hazards like noise, smoke, fumes, moving parts, and sharp metal.
Technicians have to stay vigilant to avoid mishaps. They’ve also got to be very knowledgeable about the machines and equipment they work on, so they can keep everything up and running as much as possible.
Since downtime due to breakdowns can be so costly, a lot is riding on the diligence of these workers. They simply can’t afford to lose track of maintenance schedules or to forget to perform some critical preventive fix. When something does go wrong, they’ve got to be ready to address it immediately – or know who to contact to do repairs beyond their scope of duty!
With advancements in technology, Industrial Maintenance Technicians are increasingly expected to work with sophisticated diagnostic tools and automated machinery.
Predictive maintenance, which uses data analytics to predict equipment failures before they occur, is getting more common every year. Technicians thus have to develop skills in data analysis and digital tools.
At the same time, the rise of automation and smart factories means that Industrial Maintenance Technicians need to be very familiar with programmable logic controllers and other automated systems. This shift is creating new opportunities for those who can combine traditional mechanical skills with knowledge of advanced technology.
Many Industrial Maintenance Technicians enjoyed tinkering with mechanical devices, fixing bikes, or disassembling gadgets to see how they work. They often had a natural curiosity about how things function, as well as a general knack for problem-solving. High school shop classes, science fairs, and hands-on projects likely played a significant role in their early interest in this career field!
- Industrial Maintenance Technicians need a high school diploma or equivalent. A college degree isn’t required
- Many technicians get started through apprenticeship programs. Some can get hired if they have sufficient relevant experience, and then they just receive On-the-Job training for job-specific tasks
- Community colleges and technical schools offer certificates or associate degrees in industrial maintenance, mechatronics, and related fields. These can make applicants more competitive and help them qualify for more job opportunities
- Relevant educational coursework includes topics such:
1. Automation and Control Systems
2. Blueprint Reading
3. Computer-Aided Design
4. Electrical Systems
5. Energy Management Systems
6. HVAC Systems
7. Hydraulics and Pneumatics
8. Industrial Electronics and Robotics
9. Instrumentation and Measurement
10. Machine Tool Technology
11. Material Science And Metallurgy
12. Mechanical Systems
13. Preventive Maintenance Strategies
14. Process Control Systems
15. Programmable Logic Controllers
16. Welding
- Some employers require applicants to be certified through organizations like the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals’ Certified Maintenance and Reliability Technician (CMRT)
- The CMRT exam contains 175 multiple-choice questions and can be taken at over 5,500 testing centers
- “The CMRT exam tests competency and knowledge of specific tasks within four domains: Maintenance Practices, Preventative and Predictive Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Analysis, and Corrective Maintenance,” per SMRP
- As of 2024, the exam fee cost for SMRP members is $300; for non-members, it’s $470
- Other popular certifications include:
- International Council for Machinery Lubrication - Machine Lubricant Analyst or Technician
- International Fluid Power Society - Fluid Power Mobile Hydraulic Technician
- Packaging Machinery Manufacturing Institute - Mechatronics: Fluid Power 1
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Hand and Power Tools and general industry courses
- Due to the importance of the role, technicians might also need to pass a background check and have a valid driver’s license, so they can respond to an after-hours emergency
- A four-year degree is not needed, but students can take preparatory college classes at a community college or vocational school.
- Look for accredited programs with plenty of hands-on training components, as well as internships or cooperative education experiences.
- Compare tuition and fees costs, noting in-state vs. out-of-state costs.
- Review scholarship and financial aid options.
- Check out job placement statistics for students who complete the programs.
- If applying for federal aid Pell Grants, make sure the money can be used to pay the tuition at your particular school of interest.
- Veterans can look for military-friendly schools that have VA benefit experts to help navigate the system.
- Take applicable classes to learn about simple programming, welding, safe use of hand tools, hydraulics and pneumatics, reading blueprints, doing shop math, and working on electronics
- Get all the practical experience as you can at school and through part-time jobs or apprenticeships
- Talk with technicians to learn about their day-to-day work activities
- Watch YouTube videos and read articles about industrial maintenance
- Consider extracurricular activities like robotics clubs
- Pursue a relevant technical training program after finishing high school
- Build a network of industry contacts and keep in touch with them

- Xem lại quảng cáo việc làm trên các trang web như ZipRecruiter, SimplyHired, Indeed, Monster và Glassdoor
- Read the required and preferred skills listed in the job ads
- Pay attention to the keywords used in job ads, and use them in your resume. Keywords might include:
- Đọc bản thiết kế
- CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems)
- Diagnostics
- Electrical Systems
- Equipment Installation
- HVAC Systems
- Hydraulics
- Inventory Management
- Lean Manufacturing
- Machine Calibration
- Mechanical Repair
- OSHA Compliance
- PLC Programming (Programmable Logic Controllers)
- Pneumatics
- Predictive Maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance
- Root Cause Analysis
- Giao thức an toàn
- Welding and Fabrication
- If applying for an apprenticeship, list any related work experience or skills on your application
- Cân nhắc thực hiện các chứng chỉ OSHA cho dụng cụ cầm tay hoặc ngành công nghiệp nói chung
- Ask people in your network to let you know if they hear about job openings
- Attend job fairs and industry events to connect with potential employers
- Ask previous supervisors or teachers to write recommendation letters or request their consent (in advance) to list them as references
- Trong các cuộc phỏng vấn, thể hiện nhận thức sâu sắc về các xu hướng trong ngành
- Review resume templates for Industrial Maintenance Technician and check out sample interview questions
- Thực hiện một số cuộc phỏng vấn giả với bạn bè hoặc trung tâm hướng nghiệp của trường bạn
- Ăn mặc chuyên nghiệp khi phỏng vấn xin việc
- Hãy cho người giám sát của bạn biết bạn quan tâm đến các cơ hội phát triển khi thời điểm thích hợp. Tập trung đầu tiên vào công việc bạn được thuê và chia sẻ sự sẵn sàng học hỏi và thăng tiến của bạn
- Master your duties then keep learning more! Take advanced courses or complete specialized certifications
- Hỏi các nhà sản xuất thiết bị và máy móc về xu hướng và sự phát triển mới mà bạn nên làm quen. Rất có thể họ rất vui khi được nói chuyện mua sắm với bạn!
- Use downtime to study technical manuals
- Be proactive. Look up answers for yourself but ask questions if something is unclear or you need a hands-on demonstration. Seek out mentorship but prove you can do the work on your own, without assistance
- Huấn luyện người khác đúng cách, bởi vì nếu họ mắc lỗi, nó sẽ phản ánh lại quá trình đào tạo mà bạn đã cung cấp cho họ
- Stress safety and compliance at all times. Be a workplace leader and set an example!
- Kiếm được danh tiếng là một người đáng tin cậy và hoàn thành công việc đúng
- Join professional organizations such as the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals to grow your network and discover new opportunities
- Luôn cập nhật các thay đổi về quy định để đảm bảo tổ chức của bạn luôn tuân thủ
Các trang web
- Tổng thầu liên kết của Mỹ
- Hiệp hội thợ máy và công nhân hàng không vũ trụ quốc tế
- Tình anh em quốc tế của công nhân điện
- International Council for Machinery Lubrication
- International Fluid Power Society
- Hiệp hội Tự động hóa Quốc tế
- Industrial Supply Association
- Hiệp hội các nhà sản xuất quốc gia
- Viện Chứng nhận Quốc gia về Công nghệ Kỹ thuật
- Hiệp hội gia công và dụng cụ quốc gia
- Cục Quản lý An toàn và Sức khỏe Nghề nghiệp
- Packaging Machinery Manufacturing Institute
- Hiệp hội sản phẩm gia công chính xác
- Hiệp hội các chuyên gia bảo trì &độ tin cậy
- United Brotherhood of Carpenters và Joiners của Mỹ
- United Steelworkers
Sách vở
- Industrial Maintenance, by Michael E. Brumbach and Jeffrey A. Clade
- Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance, by Larry Chastain
- Machinery’s Handbook Toolbox, by Erik Oberg
- Maintenance Fundamentals, by R. Keith Mobley
- Reliability-Centered Maintenance, by John Moubray
Industrial Maintenance Technicians are key players in any manufacturing facility. But if you’re curious about other occupations that require similar skills, check out our list below!
- Automotive Service Technician and Mechanic
- Nhà điều hành nồi hơi
- Control and Valve Installer
- Electrical and Electronics Engineer
- Thợ điện
- Electric Motor Repairer
- Facility Maintenance Manager
- Kỹ thuật viên HVAC
- Industrial Engineering Technologist
- Cơ khí máy móc công nghiệp
- Machine Feeder
- Machinist
- Kỹ sư cơ khí
- Medical Equipment Repairer
- Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanic
- Plumber, Pipefitter, and Steamfitter
- Production Supervisor
- Rail Car Repairer
- Tool Grinder
- Thợ hàn
- Kỹ thuật viên tuabin gió
- Woodworking Machine Setter
Nguồn cấp tin tức

Công việc nổi bật

Các khóa học và công cụ trực tuyến

Annual Salary Expectations
New workers start around $70K. Median pay is $79K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $99K.
Annual Salary Expectations
New workers start around $61K. Median pay is $67K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $76K.