
Mô tả công việc

A theatre director is a creative professional who oversees live theatre productions during all phases, from casting calls to performances. Much of a theatre director's job involves developing a creative vision for a specific script and working to bring that vision to life through live performance. While theatre directors usually act as the primary person in charge on the set of a stage production, they can also collaborate with other professionals who can perform specialized duties like set design, music direction and stage management.

A theatre director might work on musicals, straight plays or other genres of art that audiences can view through live performances. Because these shows take place in real-time and in front of live audiences, it can be crucial for a theatre director to prepare for unforeseen circumstances so they can adjust their instructions and ensure that any show can continue. For example, if a lead actor experiences an injury during a performance, a director might appoint an understudy to take over the performance.

Trách nhiệm công việc
  • Leading read-throughs of a script

  • Organizing blocking to tell actors where to move in each scene

  • Breaking down scenes to develop characterizations

  • Maintaining communication with the stage manager

  • Scheduling cues for lighting and sound teams

  • Overseeing full runs of the show to make adjustments before opening

  • Attending shows to take notes on how the actors might improve for the next performance

Các kỹ năng cần thiết trong công việc
  • Sáng tạo

  • Sự đàm phán

  • Kỹ năng giao tiếp giữa các cá nhân

  • Hợp tác

  • Quản lý thời gian

  • Kỹ năng nghiên cứu

  • Tổ chức

  • Ability to stay motivated

  • Dedication to the industry

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